Sunday, November 1, 2009

Gray Halloween

We had a great time on Halloween night with Grandma, Grandma Gray and Emily! Caleb dressed as robot, Peter a robot cowboy, and Willie as an robot alien. Jonah went as a vampire, Jonathan as dark Spiderman, and Spencer as a hunter who hunted, killed, skinned, and then wore the skin of Tigger. Ok, fine, he actually went as Tigger, but we couldn't get him to keep the hood/hat part on, so Rob commented that he actually looked like he was wearing a Tigger skin. Grandma and Grandpa fed us all pizza before we went out and we had a great time!


Bob and Danya said...

Awesome Halloween! Spencer wearing the "skin of Tigger" about rolled me on to the floor! LOL!

Bob and Danya said...

Oh ya, we need more pics of baby Addison!