Saturday, February 9, 2008

Bad Medicine...

I'm sure Jason will come and make this better. This is officially my first blog on our family site. We had a lot of fun at Peter's party tonight. Hope he had a happy b-day. I am actually working right now, but it is rather slow late at night. I am also listening to Spencer cry his head off in his crib. Poor little guy has had a lot to contend with this week. First I took him to the Doctor for his 6 mo. check up and Dr. Allred alterted me to the fact that this seemingly happy child had a double ear infection and prescribed an antibiotic treatment. Spencer is such a happy child. The nurse came in and gave him 4 shots in his legs and he cried until I picked him up (about 10 seconds). Once picked up he immediately stopped crying and smiled at the nurse. She was very surprised and stated that usually she gets the opposite reaction-in other words the babies are afraid of her after she gives them nasty shots. Well, we went home and started on Spencer's treatment. 3 days later I realized that Spencer had had a fever for the last 2 days-when the medicine should have been getting him better, he seemed worse. He was coughing terribly and not sleeping well-even though he was on the meds. I took him to the Dr. again and he said that the ears looked much better, but that his lungs have Bronchitis. He gave him a breathing treatment at the office and sent us home with a lovely breathing mask (what baby wouldn't love that) and medicine chamber to give another Albuterol treatment every 4 hours. The treatment did seem to help him sleep better. Skip to 2 days later with a baby boy completely covered in hives from head-to-toe. Dr. visit #3. Spencer is allergic to Amoxicillin-just like Jonathan, AND the ear infection is back. So now we have to wait 2 days to start the new round of antibiotics just to make sure he isn't allergic to this new one. During that 48 hours we alternated motrin and tylenol as well as benedryl and albuterol. Poor kid has just about had it! So tonight he gets a yeast infection!!!! Bring on the Monistat! He is amazingly happy for all the medicines he is on. (oh, except when you put him to bed:) I hope we get through this one pronto!

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